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Export Skills Workshops

If you are considering exporting or are already involved, you need to access all the knowledge you can find.

Monday 19 January 2015

Export Skills Workshops

Exporting can transform your business Invest Northern Ireland’s Export Skills Workshops offer inexperienced exporters the opportunity to develop exporting skills and help the more experienced exporters to refresh and update their knowledge of best practice.
Find out more at

Family Business Workshop
Advice on Building a Family Business to Last 
04 February - Lisburn or 11 February - Antrim

Family businesses are one of this region’s core assets but they come with their own particular set of complexities.  Invest Northern Ireland’s Family Business Workshop is for owner/managers of trading family businesses.  You will hear how to ensure your business makes it through to the next generation successfully.  At the end of the workshop you will be able to develop an action plan that will keep your business on a path to growth and understand the positive benefits and difficulties of family involvement
Find out more at

Monday 19 January 2015

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