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Born and raised in Belfast and having lived in London for over 15 years, with a small scattering of time in the United States, I have dedicated the last 20 years of my life to learning about human behaviour.  

Wednesday 8 June 2022

Marcia Cassidy of THURSDAY THOUGHT COACHING My varied career, including a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education, has allowed me to work alongside people in many different pillars of society - from the corporate finance sector to the pharmaceutical industry, from the education sector to the arts & entertainment industry. As a result, I have come to understand people on a level that I may not have, had I remained working in the one job, in the one industry, for the rest of my life.
Having been on my own personal development journey this last decade, I know first hand what its like to “not feel good enough”, to think “I’m ugly”, to not believe in myself and tell myself, “I don’t have what it takes”, to experience a sense of being “stuck” when life doesn’t seem to pan out the way you hoped it would.
I have overcome crippling insecurities, approval addiction and bowing down to the lies in my mind.
There comes a point where you think that enough is enough and that something has to change…
And I suppose one of the biggest catalysts for me was the devastating suicide of a male family friend. All of a sudden, I realised on a larger scale, the need for us ALL to be talking, as well as an urgency to help break the stigma around talking about our thoughts & feelings.
After walking out my own personal development journey and then training to achieve a certification in Personal & Professional Coaching, I found myself wanting to create a safe, non-judgemental, confidential environment for others to do the same.
A place where they could speak out loud whatever is going on in their minds & in their lives and in a collaborative way work through what is lies and what is truth, so that they too can be free to move forward.
In May 2021, I publicly launched THURSDAY THOUGHT COACHING® - my own life coaching business. It has been an absolute privilege for me to get alongside my clients on a 1:1 basis and witness them flourish in many different aspects of their lives.
Yes, they are applying themselves in between our sessions, which is why they are experiencing change & progress, but fundamentally it all started for each of them with one simple choice.
The choice to care enough for themselves, to reach out and to avail of my free initial  coaching session.
Perhaps it’s TIME for you to start caring for yourself too?
After all, what’s the alternative?
Simply click here to book your free session and find me on Instagram for a “window shop” into the heart of my business: @itsmarciacassidy or check out my website for more info, services & pricing:

Author Marcia Cassidy

Wednesday 8 June 2022

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