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How to bring your brand story to life


Monday 10 October 2022

How to bring your brand story to life

By Cassie Jane Buckley, founder of Maid in Media.

It doesn’t matter what strategy you’re putting together, whether it’s a business plan, a marketing plan or a social media strategy, the first thing you need to establish is who you are and how you want to be perceived as a business. Having an in-depth understanding of this will substantially improve your brand confidence online and allow you to articulate your offering and value better to your ideal clients & customers.  

Even if you have the clearest idea of who you want to be in your head, finding the perfect words and sentiments to communicate this can be challenging. It’s an evening at your dining room table surrounded by scrunched-up paper. You might go through tens or hundreds of ideas before finding something that sticks. Until suddenly you’ll find that sweet spot of identity, and it will feel so satisfying and rewarding.  

At Maid in Media, we go through this process collaboratively with our clients. In our discovery session, we will ask a set of questions to help us mine their ideas and dreams for their businesses. We will then head off and do all the heavy brainstorming for them as we put together their strategy presentation.  

Here are the exact guiding questions we ask our clients. Take a look through for your next brainstorming session and see how you get on. 

What Is Your Why? 

You’ve probably heard this question a lot, and there’s a reason for it. This is the centre of any brand story. Why are you doing what you’re doing? What inspired you to start this journey? What problem are you trying to solve? You want to be able to clearly articulate your mission, as well as who it is that you going to support. This way, when your ideal client comes across your profile, it will be so easy for them to see that you are the one that can help them.  

What Is Your Background & Qualifications? 

Without sounding offensive… why should we listen to you? Your brand needs to create trust in your expertise to attract your ideal client. Whilst education is great, and a necessity in some sectors, this question doesn’t need to be about degrees or formal. At Maid In Media, we are firm believers that experience can be just as powerful and educational, so if you have a back story of experience that shows how and why you have become an expert in solving your client’s pain points, then bring that into your brand story. A lot of the time, showing a bit of personality can be just as (if not more so) persuasive than any other formal qualifications. 

What Is Your Business Priority Right Now?   

This is the absolute first question you should be asking yourself before doing anything. If you want to be strategic, you want to ensure everything you’re creating and launching is based on the foundation of this goal. It’s also important to think about what goals you might have for the next year or two, so you can ensure what you’re building will work and offer space for these future goals in future.  

What Is It You Want Your Community To Do? 

Think about the experience of your ideal customer or client. They see one of your social media posts, what’s the next step? Do you want them to contact you? How? Do you want them to buy something from you? Where from? Think about the full customer experience and build your brand & systems accordingly to facilitate the process in the easiest way for them. It gives you a chance to find all the touch points you need to create & brand to give them a seamless service.  

So Where Do We Go From Here?  

This should be enough to get you started in thinking about your brand story, and how you communicate to your ideal client. From here, you can start to think about identifying the exact audiences you want to attract online, as well as which platforms would be best for your content.  

If you feel like you need more support in putting together your social media strategy, then please do get in touch. If you would prefer a bit more support, in your own time, you can purchase our Social Media Strategy Masterclass, which will go through this exact process with you.  


Monday 10 October 2022

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