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60 Seconds with Sandra Miskimmin


Monday 8 April 2024

60 Seconds with Sandra Miskimmin
Tell us about your role and your organisation.
My name is Sandra Miskimmin, I am the founder of SMASH Worldwide. I help women put the pieces of their health jigsaw back together again so they can feel amazing.

Give us a brief overview of your career journey so far.
I started my post-education career in the hospitality industry but after having children realised that working in the hospitality industry was not very family-friendly, especially as my husband worked in the industry as well. I changed my focus to sales and worked for a number of companies, but never felt a buzz or saw a long-term future in any of the companies that I worked for. Then in 2003, I started my own business in conjunction with Virgin Vie. I built a very successful business with this company and only left after Richard Branson sold the business. 
I then had a couple of corporate roles with direct selling businesses training women on how to build their businesses successfully. What I realised whilst doing this, is that I am not designed to be employed as I love the independence and creativity of being self-employed. 
I then worked with an American company to help them open the UK market. The market opened and unfortunately, once it opened I no longer felt aligned with the business.
Then I made the decision to establish my own business - SMASH Worldwide and I have never looked back. SMASH stands for Sandra Miskimmin's Alternative Solutions for Health and I provide women an alternative way to look after their health.

Describe yourself in 3 words.
Determined, Passionate, Motivating

What is one skill that helps you most in your role?

What advice do you have for women in your sector/industry/type of role? 
You don't have to do things alone. Find a business buddy that you can bounce ideas off and don't be afraid to ask for help. When things don't go right, look for the lesson that you can learn from it, and move on.

Are there any exciting plans in the year ahead in your organisation that you can share with us? 
I am on a mission to help as many women as possible on their quest for better health and so help women realise that they don't have to grow old and feel miserable. I have just turned 50 and I am feeling fabulous. I see so many women suffer unnecessarily and I want to help them. I am currently working on something that will help women massively with their hormonal imbalances going forward.

Who has been your biggest career inspiration and why?
My Nanny and Granda who owned their own business when we were children. We got to work in the shop with them and got our first taste of running a business.

If you had to pick your soundtrack song to get you through the working day, what would it be?
Love Inc - You're a Superstar. It's my song when I am feeling some self-doubt

What's your favourite break-time snack?
It has to be a SMASH Chocolate Muffin and a cuppa

How can you fellow WIB members keep up to date with you and your organisation?
You can connect with me on Facebook and Instagram as SMASH Worldwide and on Linked In as Sandra Miskimmin

Monday 8 April 2024

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