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Programme Price - £100.00 (+VAT)

Affiliate Discount Price - £80.00 (+VAT)

At a glance…

This women-only mentoring programme is delivered by the Centre of Learning, sponsored by Advance Coaching. 
Mentoring is a developmental partnership through which the Mentor shares knowledge, skills, information, perspective and networks to support the Mentee in personal, professional and/or business development. It is a professional relationship based upon trust and respect.
One of our longest standing programmes, it has grown from strength to strength, with over 300 successful and inspirational business women now gifting their time and expertise to support and guide many women in business members. At its heart this programme promotes a core aim of the network to support women at all stages of their career and business development.

The Centre of Learning offers places on the programme three times per annum, matching 30 Mentors with 30 Mentees for a 12-month programme of mentoring support. As a result, we are continually recruiting experienced and accomplished women, who are willing to gift their knowledge and expertise to other women at an earlier stage in their careers.
Advance Coaching delivers an onboarding session to both Mentees and Mentors:
Virtual Mentee Onboarding – Needs to be completed prior to matching
  • An introduction to the Mentoring Programme with Centre of Learning
  • Exploring the values, strengths and goals you are bringing to your mentoring relationship
  • Discovering how to get great outcomes from your 12-month mentoring programme
  • Opportunity to network with other Mentees on the programme
  • Q & A session with Centre of Learning and Advance Coaching
Virtual Mentor Onboarding – We recommend attendance 
  • An introduction to the Mentoring Programme with Centre of Learning
  • Overview of core skills, mindset and toolkit you might use as a Mentor
  • Exploring how you might develop and benefit from being a Mentor
  • Opportunity to network with other Mentors on the programme
  • Q & A session with Centre of Learning and Advance Coaching
Interested in becoming a mentee?
Affiliate mentee Fee: £80 + VAT 
Non-affiliate mentee Fee: £100 + VAT

There is a small non-refundable and non-transferable admin fee for Mentees joining this programme of £80 + VAT per cohort per affiliate member (£100 + VAT per non-affiliate member).
If you'd like to join this programme please download the Mentee bio, proceed to 'book now' and return to nicky@centreoflearningni.comPlease note, places book very fast, therefore places can only be secured once payment has been received.   
Download Mentee Bio HERE

Interested in becoming a mentor?

This mentoring role aims to provide a developmental partnership through which the mentor shares knowledge, skills, information and perspective to foster the personal and professional growth of the mentee. It is a partnership between two professionals based upon trust and respect. 

If you'd like to join this programme please download the Mentor bio, complete and return to   
Download Mentor Bio HERE


Programme price £100.00 (plus VAT)
Affiliate price £80.00 (plus VAT)

Want to find out more about this programme? Email and discover more about support available for your personal and professional development.

Upcoming in-take

Starting Thursday 16 January 2025

Upcoming in-take

Starting Thursday 22 May 2025

Already a member? Sign in to access member discounts

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm interested in becoming a mentee, What next?

Mentee Fee: £80 + VAT 

There is a small admin fee for Mentees joining this programme of £80 + VAT per cohort and you do need to be a member of WIB to access the programme.
If you'd like to join this programme please download the Mentee bio, proceed to 'book now' and return to

Please note, places book very fast, therefore places can only be secured once payment has been received. 

Download Mentee Bio HERE

What is a Mentor?
Mentors are drawn from a wide range of business and professional backgrounds, assisting their Mentee in career or business development through information & skills transfer, confidence building and sharing of networks.

The Mentor will be able to offer valuable knowledge, empathy and insight due to their own many years of experience.

As a Mentor you will be given the opportunity to connect with other Mentors at dedicated CPD and networking events.
How will it help mentees?
Mentoring is most effective when it is driven by the Mentee. Therefore, Mentees will take ownership, through a Mentoring Agreement, to be active, fully engaged, curious, open to challenge and willing to stretch their development and learning.

Training will be provided for Mentees to ensure they are fully prepared to harvest all the opportunities of the time spent with their Mentor.
Virtual Mentee Onboarding – Must to be completed prior to matching
  • An introduction to the Mentoring Programme with the Centre of Learning
  • Exploring the values, strengths and goals you are bringing to your mentoring relationship
  • Discovering how to get great outcomes from your 12-month mentoring programme
  • Opportunity to network with other Mentees on the programme
  • Q & A session with the Centre of Learning and Advance Coaching
Virtual Mentor Onboarding – We recommend attendance
  • An introduction to the Mentoring Programme with the Centre of Learning
  • Overview of core skills, mindset and toolkit you might use as a Mentor
  • Exploring how you might develop and benefit from being a Mentor
  • Opportunity to network with other Mentors on the programme
  • Q & A session with the Centre of Learning and Advance Coaching
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“My mentor, has taught me to scale back my business ideas into a clearer form to focus on my target audience. Its now not as overwhelming when it comes to creating the vision and determining my USP. ”


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“We will be working on my communication skill and understanding my favoured representational systems in our next meet-up. I am looking forward to tell you more about my progress after our few meetings”

WIB Mentee

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“At every meeting, I learned as much if not more than the Mentee and I learned the importance of stretching professionally.”

WIB Mentor

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“Exceeded all expectations! I couldn't have anticipated what a positive experience it would be. If you're thinking of joining this scheme, do it! Women giving up their time to help other women, amazing”

WIB Mentee

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“Women supporting women, I feel fortunate to be involved. Whether you are thinking of becoming a mentor or seeking a mentor through Women in Business, I would encourage you to do so”

WIB Mentor
