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Explore International Talents

Explore the latest international insights, theoretical knowledge and practical skillset through the mind and talent of a young European professional.

Monday 17 February 2020

Explore International Talents

Explore the latest international insights, theoretical knowledge and practical skillset through the mind and talent of a young European professional. These young talents come from various European countries with the desire to experience a new culture, improve their language skills and work in a culturally different environment. During the work placement, they’ll aim to acquire and develop professional and personal skills while increasing and broadening their intercultural awareness and knowledge. 
Through Intern Europe, you can host a participant for a period of time during which they can provide assistance to current or future projects, contribute their knowledge and skillset to the growth and daily functions of a company, and diversify a company’s culture by the introduction of their own. This is also a great opportunity for company staff to gain or increase their managerial and mentoring skills.  
Becoming part of Intern Europe’s network would give you first choice at selecting from our incoming participants. We’ll also keep you updated when a new participant matches your needs and wants. Plus, we handle the pastoral care and accommodation so that the students only need to focus on putting forth their best efforts in their work placement.  
All you’ll need to do is • Provide a Job spec • Skype or call with the intern • Provide an induction on the first day  • Provide training where necessary  • Provide a supervisor and mentor  • End of Placement Review with the intern and completion of paperwork 
For more information, get in contact with our placement team at 

Monday 17 February 2020

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