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Fuelling Your Fearless Female

Check out the confidence building programme for females from our WIB member, Nicola McGuinness!

Thursday 29 July 2021

Fuelling Your Fearless Female

Frustrated, bored, unfulfilled, stuck in a joyless job and lacking purpose? 
Yet, you lack the self-belief or confidence to take action and do something about it?

Check out the confidence building programme for females from our WIB member, Nicola McGuinness!

NO MORE REGRETS, start showing up as the person you were meant to be, get recognised, make an impact, have a sense of purpose and feel proud of what you have and can achieve!

On 4th August, The Fuelling Your Fearless Female four step group coaching programme will help you:

- believe in yourself like never before
- take action to make a change in your career
- speak up with more confidence and authority for greater influence
- get recognised for your work and seize new opportunities
- find joy and fulfilment for your work
- increase your earning potential
- stay motivated and sustain long-term action toward your goals
- understand how to respond to fear that arises as you play bigger
- build your tribe of supporters and allies
- see that what you had always dreamt about achieving is there for the taking

Click here to find out more and to join!

Thursday 29 July 2021

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