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#GrowLikeAPro with Bernie Allen

Free webinars with WIB Member Bernie Allen

Saturday 15 May 2021

#GrowLikeAPro with Bernie Allen

Our WIB member, Bernie Allen has some fantastic events coming up this month. Bernie is a globally renowned business mentor and coach, helping independent business owners unlock their true potential in business & life to develop a millionaire mind-set for success. As she helps to overcome the fear holding you back from being the success you want to be. Find out more about Bernie's events and register via the links below:

How To Overcome Fears That Are Causing You To Procrastinate - 18th May 

In this session attendees will discover why running away from your fears is the worst thing you can do for your business. Bernie will show you how the fear is just a mindset and give you top tips and techniques on how to combat it.

What you will learn:

  • How to dispel the myths that are holding you back from achieving your goals
  • The secret to combatting thoughts rooted in fear
  • Why moving forward is vital even in the face of objection
  • Overcoming the fears holding you back in your business
  • How to stop being afraid of the daily challenges you face
  • Why resisting the past and being afraid of the future is a recipe for disaster
  • The damage you do to yourself and your business whilst stuck in a fear mindset

Register here!


Discover Secrets To Unveiling The Real You and Reveal Your True Potential - 25th May

In this session delegates will find out how to change their inner dialogue and become more confident about revealing their authentic self in business. Bernie will show you the way to becoming more confident on a daily basis from the inside out.

What you will learn:

  • Why you can’t keep wearing the mask forever
  • How being your authentic self will help you achieve your goals more quickly
  • Overcoming the obstacles to self worth
  • Why creating and manifesting positive thought patterns can, and will, change your life
  • Ways to make more confident choices in your business
  • Why action must precede motivation
  • The secret to achieving self acceptance

Register here!


Saturday 15 May 2021

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