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WIB CEO invited to join UK Women's Enterprise Policy Steering Committee

We are proud to announce that our Chief Executive, Roseann Kelly MBE will be joining the Women’s Enterprise Policy Group (WEPG)

Friday 5 June 2020

WIB CEO invited to join UK Women's Enterprise Policy Steering Committee

We are proud to announce that our Chief Executive, Roseann Kelly MBE will be joining the Women’s Enterprise Policy Group (WEPG) as the Northern Irish practitioner representative. The Women’s Enterprise Policy Group is a UK wide partnership of researchers and women’s business support practitioners that commits to share research and practice evidence about responsible enterprise policy that enables women and others to campaign for this to shape UK and devolved government and regional policy. 

The purpose is to bring together research and practice evidence to establish what works for women entrepreneurs and what supports they need, to then lobby for UK and devolved governments to act on the evidence base to support enterprising women.
Given the huge challenge to women’s enterprise posed by the Covid19 pandemic, a focus for WEPG in 2020-21 will be on issuing joint comment on Covid19 enterprise policies as they emerge and making policy proposals. 

We wish Roseann and the Committee all the best on this new endeavour!

Friday 5 June 2020

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