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Angela Cruz of Praxis Care


Sunday 24 September 2023

 Angela Cruz of Praxis Care
I’m Ange Cruz and I’m a lucky gal. 

I’m from Canada, yet I have somehow managed to become the Head of Marketing and Communications at Praxis Care, a social care charity that supports 1,500 people across Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, England and the Isle of Man. Yeah, they put me in charge of all that even though I can’t use “whilst” naturally in a sentence.

I don’t have a degree in marketing, yet I have somehow managed to weasel my way into my dream role: spreading the word about life-changing services, managing a team of young creatives, travelling around the region and meeting interesting and inspiring people all the time. How is this real life?

I credit three things in addition to sheer fortune: overcoming imposter syndrome, networking and flexible hiring managers. 

Michelle Obama cured my imposter syndrome.

Because I don’t have imposter syndrome, I applied for jobs I had to grow into. I talk to people who are “above” me. I know this illness is rife among WIB members and I’m going to try to help you out.

The magic words of Michelle Obama that cured my imposter syndrome:

"I have been at probably every powerful table that you can think of, I have worked at nonprofits, I have been at foundations, I have worked in corporations, served on corporate boards, I have been at G-summits, I have sat in at the U.N.: They are not that smart."

When I’m not consumed by dread at the thought that the leaders of the world are just normal dudes and the world is not really a meritocracy, it is comforting to know that the people in charge aren’t better than the rest of us. Don’t question the heights you reach and your worthiness because most of those powerful, unworthy men probably don’t either.

Sorry, networking was also key

Even as an extroverted, loud North American, I am often dying inside when I approach people to introduce myself. I have had many cringey experiences of awkwardly hovering outside a circle of people at an event. 

But throwing myself out there and accepting invitations as they come has led me to invent a career that I wouldn’t otherwise have.

I remember feeling mortified through a dinner with acquaintances after I moved to London as an unemployed 24-year-old, unable to answer questions about my career goals and ignorant about how the charity sector operated in the UK. Advice from that dinner led to multiple job opportunities in the city and interview preparation tips I value to this day.

Another memory that makes my stomach churn was from 2013. Newly arrived on a spousal visa in Shanghai, a new contact introduced me to a charity event that needed volunteers. I quietly sat through every meeting with nothing to offer: no ideas, advice or contacts. On the night of the big event, I stood guard, alone, over silent auction prizes. I was underdressed. I felt embarrassed and out of place. However, the event manager ended up forwarding me the job post that would launch my career in Shanghai, leading me to my dream job today.

All of the networking in the world is worthless for career progression if people are hung up on the minimum criteria for an interview, though.

Hiring managers, this is for you. 

Luckily, I’ve had open-minded hiring managers in Canada, England, China and now in Northern Ireland.

When I was looking for jobs in Belfast in 2020, I had over a decade of experience in marketing. I recall one organisation where the minimum requirement for a position was a marketing degree and one year of marketing experience. They wouldn’t even interview me because I lacked a degree! 

Fortunately, Praxis Care was flexible and recognised that experience doing a similar role was as beneficial as formal education. 

Obviously, your mileage will vary depending on your industry, but for creative work, nudging degrees into the “desirable” rather than “essential” category will pay dividends, I promise.

I hope something in there was useful. Say hi, even if it feels awkward when you see me at the next WIB social!

Check out the Praxis Care website  or connect with Angela Cruz on LinkedIn

Sunday 24 September 2023

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