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Headshot Sessions with Janine Boyd


Thursday 16 February 2023

Headshot Sessions with Janine Boyd
Make 2023 the year you get visible in your business! These 20 minute sessions are the perfect opportunity to grab some lifestyle shots and update your profile photo in North Down's most exciting new venue, The Courthouse in Bangor. £95 for WIB members, £125 for non-members.

Many hate having their photo taken. Janine hates it too, but we know the importance of showing yourself online for building customer trust and brand loyalty. Let Janine take the pain out of something you know you need to do and give her 20 minutes to create relaxed images that show the bold, courageous woman you are! Check the link for full details and testimonials - You won't regret it!

Book a session with Janine on Fri 24th February from 10am for your own headshot session here:

Contact Janine
Phone: 07515156111



Thursday 16 February 2023

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