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LinkedIn One Day Workshop


Thursday 26 January 2023

LinkedIn One Day Workshop Are you getting leads and sales on LinkedIn?
If not, then join Louise Brogan on Fri 10th Feb | 9:30am - 5pm if...

- You want to raise your profile on the social media site where your ideal clients are, but you’re not exactly sure where to start or how to best go about it.

- You’re overwhelmed by LinkedIn and struggling to understand it.

- You might have tried networking events and other marketing methods, but you’re not seeing enough return on investment from them.

- You want to build a community and a pipeline of your ideal clients from LinkedIn.

In this workshop, you’ll not only learn lots of useful theory about LinkedIn, but you’ll also bring along your own laptop to start implementing what you’re learning straight away!

Register now to Link in with Louise.

Thursday 26 January 2023

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