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Make Candles with Coco Bleu


Friday 17 February 2023

Make Candles with Coco Bleu
Creating your own candle is an easy way to increase your brand image. Whether it be for your own retail store, a fundraiser or gifting to your clients, a private label candle is simple to create and can be available within a matter of weeks.

Coco Bleu work with you to help you choose a candle vessel, a fragrance, a label and any packaging such as a lid or box. The process takes around an hour and within 3 weeks your candles will be available.

They use the same sustainable soy wax and luxury fragrances that they use for their own candles. All candles are supplied with the relevant CLP and safety data sheets and the range of fragrances to choose from have all been carefully tested previously.

If you would like more info have a look at their website or email them at


Friday 17 February 2023

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