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60 Seconds with Colleen McNamee


Monday 29 April 2024

60 Seconds with Colleen McNamee
Tell us about your role and your organisation.
I am Practice Manager at Quigg Golden (QG), a leading construction and procurement law firm in Belfast. As Practice Manager I am responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the firm, ensuring the smooth running of our QG Offices in Belfast, Dublin, Maidstone and London. I enjoy the diversity of my role as my focus changes each day, overseeing support functions of the business including HR, IT, Marketing, Compliance and Administration. My goal is to ensure the firm operates efficiently so that our team of legal, construction and procurement professionals can focus on providing the best possible service to our clients.

Give us a brief overview of your career journey so far.
I graduated from Queens University with a degree in Sociology - it provided me with valuable skills in critical, strategic thinking and the confidence to work in diverse environments. I headed off to Sydney and worked for the Government there, assisting with projects on the iconic Sydney Harbour, healthcare, and transport. From there I moved into the Construction Industry, working for Laing O'Rourke in projects in the UK and Australia. Having the opportunity to explore different industries and tackle new challenges has helped my professional development along the way, and means I bring a unique perspective to Quigg Golden.

Describe yourself in 3 words.
Determined - I am determined in everything I do in life, I think that is the secret to success for many people, whether they be a lawyer or a football player, skill and experience will only take you so far - determination is key.
Fair - fairness across the board is very important to me, when looking after our people in the firm and our clients, I ensure that everyone is treated in the same way.
Resilient - life doesn't always go to plan - being resilient really helps bounce back, especially in your career journey.

What is one skill that helps you most in your role?
I have the ability to read situations and people well. This skill allows me to navigate different environments effectively, understand others' perspectives, and communicate in a way that resonates with them.

What advice do you have for women in your sector/industry/type of role? 
Be confident in your ability and don't be afraid to be assertive. Unfortunately, studies still show that when women exhibit stereotypically masculine traits commonly associated with leadership like assertiveness, they can be less-liked when compared with men exhibiting the same traits. I think it is important to continue challenging these types of views to support more women in leadership roles.

Are there any exciting plans in the year ahead in your organisation that you can share with us? 
We are excited to continue the growth of the firm, expanding our teams in Belfast, Dublin and London.

Who has been your biggest career inspiration and why?
A former manager of mine, Caroline Blackman. Caroline was an inspiring leader who exuded authority and confidence in a male dominated construction industry. She was my mentor, providing me with valuable guidance in my career journey.

If you had to pick your soundtrack song to get you through the working day, what would it be?
Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve.

What's your favourite break-time snack?
A can of diet coke and salted pistachios.

How can you fellow WIB members keep up to date with you and your organisation?
Connect with Colleen on LinkedIn

Monday 29 April 2024

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