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Creative collaboration can provide a fit for purpose childcare provision for NI


Thursday 8 February 2024

Creative collaboration can provide a fit for purpose childcare provision for NI
Commenting on the return of power-sharing at Stormont, Chief Executive of The WiB Group, Roseann Kelly MBE said:

“I am delighted that we now have the Northern Ireland Executive and ministers in place to help expedite the real, long-lasting and transformational changes we need across the economy and throughout society.

“We have an opportunity, now, to reset our economic vision and create the environment to foster economic growth and The WiB Group is fully focused on supporting the Executive and its departments to help deliver that change.

“One area that is key to unlocking that potential, and requires systemic change now, is with our childcare sector. We need to create and sustain a system that is mutually beneficial for everyone in Northern Ireland. For families. For businesses. For society.

“Our Group reaches over 250,000 women, so we fully understand the damaging limitations brought on by the lack of affordable childcare and what this means for women and, ultimately, the economy.

“Greater participation of women in the workplace has huge benefits for the economy. We must prioritise a childcare system that is mutually beneficial for parents and providers.

“The new strategy must be innovative, creative and best in class. Tinkering around the edges by applying the 30 hours free childcare model as is the case in Great Britain does not and will not work.

“Creative collaboration between government and business can provide a fit for purpose and bespoke childcare provision for Northern Ireland, and we would urge the Executive and ministers to work in partnership with the sector in the development and delivery of an outline strategy that is ringfenced, properly funded and transformational for our society. Only then will we unlock our full potential.”

Thursday 8 February 2024

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