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Starting Your Business - One Obvious Step at a Time


Thursday 11 January 2024

Starting Your Business - One Obvious Step at a Time
Embarking on my entrepreneurial journey eight years ago was filled with excitement, nerves, and the trepidation of leaving my full-time job. Despite my hours spent stressing over meticulous plans and projections, the one thing I can say with absolute confidence is that the reality looks nothing like I thought it would! 

Now, working alongside aspiring entrepreneurs in my role with Women in Business, I regularly see the overwhelm that women face when wanting to start their own business.

An avalanche of questions that threaten to kill off the most promising ideas before they even have a chance to blossom. What should I name my business?  Do I need employees? Where can I access funding? Which Social Media Platforms should I use? 

 And the big one - will it succeed or fail? 

The list can feel endless, and it’s true that the multitude of moving parts in starting a business can make overwhelm almost inevitable. Eight years and three businesses later, I've learned to take it one step at a time. As the saying goes, "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."
During a recent workshop delivered as part of the Building Futures Programme, my advice to the participants was simple: focus on the next obvious thing.
What can you do today, not tomorrow, but as soon as you get home, to move your business journey forward? 
Want a website? Sounds overwhelming!
But you could make notes on websites you love, find a user-friendly platform, or even pick a colour and some images, to set the wheels in motion? Because once you commit by taking action by doing the easiest, most obvious first thing – you’ll be surprised at how easily the next step (and the next) appears!

Women in Business NI work with hundreds of female entrepreneurs every year to make their business dreams a reality. We offer a wide range of programmes including "Imagine It," a one-day discovery bootcamp, "Explore It," a 5-month training and development program for startups, and "Grow It," a 5-month growth program for ambitious female founders.  Make Money For Yourself is part of Building Futures, delivered in conjunction with Women's Tec and Bolster Community and offers workshops for women facing unemployment and additional challenges.

For more information, reach out to the Women in Business entrepreneurship team at
For details about our Building Futures Program starting in February, contact Heather at

Author Heather Carr

Thursday 11 January 2024

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